Izbrano Kriptonovice

LANA – LANAcoin – The front line will soon move above 0.000464 USDT

LANA XeggeX LANAUSDT 20250124
Strokovno svetovanje Kriptovalute.si

Friday, 24 January 2025
PLAN15 day 858 of 3270 days, 2412 days remaining

It seems that on the XeggeX the LANA dumpers are losing the battle against the followers of PLAN15 or as we affectionately call them the Knights of LANA.

The price of LANA has moved higher than the front line set by PLAN15 at 0.000464 USDT.

If today no sales occur lower than 0.00046499 USDT, then PLAN15 will consider to issue an order to move the army to higher positions.

To crash the prices to 0.0002 USDT on the XeggeX LANA/USDT market, the dumpers would have to provide 2,768,419.125 LANA.

This puts the dumpers in a big dilemma, because as long as they understand the PLAN15 SIGNAL, they are aware that it'll be very difficult to buy their LANA back at the price at which they crashed the price.

And since LANA is limited in quantity, it'll happen that there won't be LANA available which anyone would be willing to sell for less than 0.000464 USDT.

The time is coming when many people will understand the daily announcements of PLAN15, which are read by more and more people all over the planet every day.

If LANA were Bitcoin, its value would be almost 300 USD and not the current 0.0005 USD.

Perhaps for most of those who are not familiar with the steps of PLAN15, the price of 300 USD seems incredible. Therefore, let's imagine that LANA achieved only 0.33% of the success of Bitcoin. In this case, its value would be 1 USD, which means that it would grow 2000 times. Every dollar invested in LANA would bring 2,000 USD.

The more PLAN15 is revealed, the more likely the FOMO (fear of missing out) effect will approach.

And when this happens, the media around the world will simply not be able to ignore it anymore. And then the time will come when people will realize that LANA is Bitcoin on steroids because of its features that surpass Bitcoin in every aspect.

99% of people will find this article unbelievable, some of you will even make fun of it. The same thing happened to Bitcoin between 2009 and 2011.

But 1% of people are so open-minded that they will believe. And these are the ones that PLAN15 is currently searching for all over the planet and will definitely find.


Because it is simply human nature.

LANA Geolocation 20250124

LANA nods are currently located in 12 countries on four continents.

Dumpers, PLAN15 has thrown the gauntlet in your face. Accept the challenge. The outcome of the war that ends on September 2, 2031 is clear, PLAN15 wins!

You can read more about LANA in article WHAT IS LANA.

🇸🇮 Slovenski prevod:

Linijo fronte se bo kmalu premaknila čez 0,000464 USDT

Petek, 24. januar 2025
PLAN15 dan 858 od 3270 dni, preostalo 2412 dni

Zdi se, da na XeggeX uničevalci tečajev LANA izgubljajo boj proti sledilcem PLANa15 ali kot jim ljubkovalno imenujemo Vitezi LANE.

Cena LANA se je premaknila višje od frontne linije, ki jo je določil PLAN15 pri 0,000464 USDT.

Če danes ne pride do prodaje pod 0,00046499 USDT, bo PLAN15 izdal ukaz za premik vojske na višje položaje.

Da bi zrušil ceno na 0,0002 USDT na XeggeX LANA/USDT trgu, bi morali dumperji zagotoviti 2.789.377,767 LANA.

To postavlja dumperje v veliko dilemo, saj če razumejo SIGNAL PLAN15, se zavedajo, da bo zelo težko kupiti prodano LANA nazaj po nižji ceni od tiste, po kateri so rušili tečaje.

In ker je količina LANA omejena, se bo zgodilo, da bo zmanjkalo lastnikov LAN, ki bi bili pripravljen prodati svoje LANE za manj kot 0,000464 USDT.

Prihaja čas, ko bo marsikdo razumel dnevne objave PLAN15, ki jih iz dneva v dan bere vedno več ljudi po celem planetu.

Če bi LANA bila Bitcoin, bi bila njegova vrednost znašala skoraj 300 USD in ne trenutnih 0,0005 USD.

Morda se za večino tistih, ki ne poznajo korakov PLAN15, cena 300 USD zdi neverjetna. Zato si predstavljajte, da bi LANA dosegla le 0,33% uspeha Bitcoina. V tem primeru bi bila njena vrednost 1 USD, kar pomeni, da bi zrasla 2000-krat. Vsak dolar, vložen v LANO, bi prinesel 2.000 USD.

Bolj kot se bo PLAN15 razkrival, večja bo verjetnost, da bo prišel učinek FOMO (fear of missing out – strah pred izgubo).

In ko se bo to zgodilo, mediji po svetu tega enostavno ne bodo mogli več ignorirati. In potem bo prišel čas, ko bodo ljudje spoznali, da je LANA Bitcoin na steroidih zaradi svojih lastnosti, ki v vseh pogledih presegajo Bitcoin.

99 % ljudem se bo ta članek zdel neverjeten, nekateri se boste iz njega celo norčevali. Enako se je zgodilo Bitcoinu med letoma 2009 in 2011.

Toda 1% ljudi je tako odprtih misli, da bodo verjeli. In to so tisti, ki jih PLAN15 trenutno išče po celem planetu in jih bo zagotovo našel.


Ker je to preprosto v človeški naravi.

LANA vozlišča so trenutno v 12 državah na štirih celinah.

Dumperji, PLAN15 vam je vrgel rokavico v obraz. Sprejmite izziv. Izid vojne, ki se konča 2. septembra 2031, je jasen, PLAN15 zmaga!

Več o LANI lahko preberete v članku KAJ JE LANA.

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