Monday, 20 January 2025 PLAN15 day 854 of 3270 days, 2416 days remaining
Monday, January 20, 2025 will go down in LANA history as the day we remember the closure of the Armenian crypto exchange Bololex. Bololex has not had a single security incident since LANA began listing on it on October 1, 2020, thanks to LANA founder Jure Pirc aka Lanoshi @ staysecure.
Like the exchanges that closed years ago, the Swedish Nova Exchange and the Slovenian, Bololex also played fair and honest when closing. All owners who submitted a withdrawal request received LANA, which was not the practice in the past with exchanges such as Unnamed (German owner Till Koeln and his exchange disappeared without explanation), Russian Yobit (an unsynchronized wallet, which is why LANA deposits and withdrawals are not possible) and New Zealand's Cryptopia, which could not defend itself from a hacker attack and LANA disappeared into the accounts of thieves.
LANA was also one of the most traded cryptocurrencies on the Bololex exchange, in the company of heavyweights Bitcoin, Litecoin, Stellar, Bitcoin Cash, Doge, Ripple, Tron, Monero, DigiByte, Ethereum and Binance Coin.
In the vote for the most popular coin, LANA took first place among all cryptocurrencies listed on Bololex with almost twice as many votes as the second-placed Putincoin.
LANA is listed on more and more exchanges, and therefore the closure of Bololex will not pose any problems for LANA. Links to exchanges trusted by PLAN15 can be found in the article WHAT IS LANA .
Thank you to the Bololex team, especially to the UN Telegram user @bololex, for many years of fair cooperation, with whom we remain in contact.
Slovenski prevod:
Ob polnoči bo Bololex dokončno zaprl svoja vrata za trgovanje.
Ponedeljek, 20. januar 2025 PLAN15 dan 854 od 3270 dni, preostalo 2416 dni
Ponedeljek, 20. januar 2025, se bo v zgodovino LANA zapisal kot dan, ko se spominjamo zaprtja armenske kripto borze Bololex. Bololex ni imel niti enega varnostnega incidenta, odkar je LANA 1. oktobra 2020 začela kotirati na njem, zahvaljujoč ustanovitelju LANE Juretu Pircu alias Lanoshi @staysecure.
Tako kot pred leti zaprti borzi, švedska Nova Exchange in slovenski, je tudi Bololex ob zaprtju odigral korektno in pošteno. Vsi lastniki, ki so oddali zahtevo za izplačilo, so prejeli LANE, kar v preteklosti ni bila praksa pri borzah, kot je Unnamed (nemški lastnik Till Koeln in njegova borza sta izginila brez pojasnila), ruski Yobit (nesinhronizirana denarnica, zaradi katere dvigi in pologi LANE niso možni) in novozelandska Cryptopia, ki se ni mogla ubraniti pred hekerskim napadom in je LANA izginila na računih tatov.
LANA je bila tudi ena najbolj trgovanih kriptovalut na borzi Bololex v družbi težkokategornikov Bitcoin, Litecoin, Stellar, Bitcoin Cash, Doge, Ripple, Tron, Monero, DigiByte, Ethereum in Binance Coin. V glasovanju za najbolj priljubljen kovanec je LANA zasedla prvo mesto med vsemi kriptovalutami na Bololexu s skoraj dvakrat več glasovi kot drugouvrščeni Putincoin.
LANA kotira na vedno več borz, zato LANI zaprtje Bololexa ne bo predstavljalo težav. Povezave do borz, ki jim zaupa PLAN15, najdete v članku KAJ JE LANA.
Hvala ekipi Bololexa, še posebej UN Telegram uporabniku @bololex, za dolgoletno korektno sodelovanje, s katerim ostajamo v stiku.