In the first picture LANA on another Bitcoin from December 2024 to 26 February 2025. LANA is completely uncorrelated with Bitcoin and altcoins from the...
Tag - LanaCoin
Thursday, 20 February 2025 PLAN15 day 885 of 3270 days, 2385 days remaining PLAN15 uses an average price calculated from the LANA value displayed on nine...
A 15-ös TERV egy konkrét megvalósítási terv, amelynek célja a Bitcoin történetének megismétlése annak kezdetétől 2009. január 3-tól 2017. december 17-ig...
Wednesday, 12 February 2025 PLAN15 day 877 of 3270 days, 2393 days remaining PLAN15 uses an average price calculated from the LANA value displayed on nine...
PLAN15 is a concrete implementation plan designed to replicate Bitcoin's journey from its inception on January 3, 2009 to December 17, 2017—when Bitcoin...
Lana is an independent cryptocurrency, founded in May 2016. It has its own blockchain, so it is a crypto coin. You can exchange Lana for the services and...
To open the LANA wallet for phones with the Android operating system installed, follow the instructions: 1. Go to Google Play and enter...
Za odpiranje LANA denarnice za telefone, ki imajo naložen operacijski sistem Android, sledite navodilom: 1. Pojdite na Google Play in v...
LANA (LANAcoin) can only be staked (Proof of Stake – PoS) on the LANA wallet for PC, which is not the same as, which you have installed...
LANA (LANAcoin) lahko stejkate (Proof of Stake – PoS) zgolj na LANA denarnici za računalnik, ki ni enaka, ki jo imate naloženo na vašem...