Izbrano Kriptonovice

LANA – LANAcoin – 20% discount on citrus fruits and avocados from Sicily

LANA Fruits from Sicily 20250202
Strokovno svetovanje Kriptovalute.si

Every Wednesday, you can pick up citrus fruits and avocados from Sicily.

If you exchange them for LANA coins, the products are 20% cheaper than if you pay for them with euros.

Orders for Wednesday delivery must be placed by Sunday until 7 p.m.

I have already ordered citrus fruits and avocados from Telegram user @GrassItsMe and I will do the same this week. They are very high-quality goods.

It is also possible to pick up a smaller quantity than the one published in the table.

Contact @GrassItsMe in Telegram to place an order.

LANA Fruits Sicily Price 20250209

But let's leave the products themselves aside and deal with the influence of the LANA trade on the price of LANA.

The price of LANA increases when there is more demand for LANA than supply and vice versa, it decreases when there is more supply than demand.

The first reason for the demand for LANA is the belief that the value of LANA will increase so much that it will drastically improve the financial situation of the one who buys it today.

Another reason for the increase in the value of LANA is that people are interested in LANA simply because they can get goods, products or services cheaper.

The above offer of citrus fruits and avocados from Sicily is 20% cheaper if the products are exchanged for LANA.

Many LANA owners believe that they prefer to pay 20% more in euros, because the value of the euro will only fall, while the value of LANA will rise, perhaps even as much as Bitcoin rose from the time when Laszlo Hanyecz paid 10,000 BTC for two pizzas worth $41. Therefore, they do not want to be talked about in 2031 that they paid several hundred thousand euros for one kilo of oranges in 2025.

The problem is very easy to solve.

With the euros that you will spend anyway to buy one kilo of oranges, first buy LANA on the exchange. This will save you from the feeling that you have sacrificed LANA from your wallet for oranges, which you believe will bring you wealth.

Since oranges are 20% cheaper if you exchange them for LANA, you keep 20% of the LANA you bought, which you can transfer to your staking wallet, which brings you staking rewards, and with 80% of LANA you get a kilogram of oranges.

By doing this, you have made several good moves for the value of your LANA.

First, you bought LANA from the hands of weak LANA owners on the exchange and transferred them to the hands of strong LANA owners. This has strengthened the price of all LANA, and therefore the value of your LANA.

You can add the 20% savings you have in LANA to those you already have, thereby further reducing the price of LANA, with which you can retire or achieve financial freedom.

In other words, this means that every kilogram of oranges exchanged for LANA has a positive effect on the value of LANA in general.

🇸🇮 Slovenski prevod:

LANA – LANAcoin – 20% popust na agrume in avokado iz Sicilije

Vsako sredo je možno prevzeti agrume in avokado iz Sicilije.

V kolikor se jih zamenja za LANA kovance, so izdelki 20% cenejši, kot če jih plačate z evri.

Naročila za dostavo v sredo se odda do nedelje do 19. ure.

Agrume in avokado sem pri Telegramovem uporabniku @GrassItsMe že naročil in tudi ta teden bom storil enako. Gre za zelo kvalitetno robo.

Prevzeti je možno tudi manjšo količino od objavljene v tabeli.

Kontaktirajte @GrassItsMe na Telegramu za naročilo.

LANA Fruits Sicilija Cene 20250209

A pustimo same izdelke ob strani in se lotimo vpliva LANA trgovine na ceno LANE.

Cena LANE raste, ko je po LANI več povpraševanja od ponudbe in obratno, pada, ko je več ponudbe kot povpraševanja.

Prvi razlog za povpraševanje po LANI je vera, da bo vrednost LANE tako zrasla, da bo drastično izboljšala finančno stanje tistega, ki jo kupuje danes.

Drugi razlog za povečanje vrednost LANE pa je, da se ljudje zanimajo za LANO preprosto zato, da bi lahko dobili blago, izdelke ali storitve ceneje.

Zgornja ponudba agrumov in avokada iz Sicilije je 20% cenejša, če se izdelke zamenja za LANO.

Mnogo lastnikov LANE meni, da raje plačajo 20% več v evrih, saj bo vrednost evra zgolj padala, medtem ko bo vrednost LANE narasla, morda celo tako zelo, kot je narasla Bitcoinu iz časov, ko je Laszlo Hanyecz plačal 10.000 BTC za dve pici, ki sta bili vredni 41 dolarjev. Zato ne želijo, da bi se leta 2031 govorilo, da so leta 2025 za eno kilo pomaranč plačali več stotisoč evrov.

Problem je zelo lahko rešljiv.

Z evri, ki jih boste tako ali tako porabili za nakup enega kilograma pomaranč, najprej kupite LANO na borzi. S tem se rešite občutka, da ste za pomaranče žrtvovali LANE iz vaše denarnice, za katere verjamete, da vam bodo prinesle bogastvo.

Ker so pomaranče 20% cenejše, če jih zamenjate za LANE, obdržite 20% kupljenih LAN, ki jih lahko prenesete v svojo stejkarsko denarnico, ki vam prinaša stejkarske nagrade, z 80% LAN pa dobite kilogram pomaranč.

S tem ste naredili več dobrih potez za vrednost vaših LAN.

Najprej ste na borzi LANO kupili iz rok šibkih lastnikov in jih prenesli v roke močnih lastnikov. S tem ste okrepili tečaj celotne LANE, torej tudi vrednost vaših LAN.

Prihranek v višini 20%, ki ga imate v LANAh lahko dodate tistim, ki jih že imate in s tem še znižate ceno LANE, pri kateri se lahko upokojite ali pa dosežete finančno svobodo.

Z drugimi besedami, to pomeni, da vsak kilogram pomaranč zamenjan za LANE, pozitivno vpliva na vrednost LANE v celoti.

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