Wednesday, 12 February 2025 PLAN15 day 877 of 3270 days, 2393 days remaining PLAN15 uses an average price calculated from the LANA value displayed on nine...
Every Wednesday, you can pick up citrus fruits and avocados from Sicily. If you exchange them for LANA coins, the products are 20% cheaper than if you pay for...
Wednesday, 5 February 2025 PLAN15 day 870 of 3270 days, 2400 days remaining PLAN15 uses an average price calculated from the LANA value displayed on nine...
PLAN15 je konkreten izvedbeni načrt, katerega namen je ponoviti zgodbo Bitcoina od njegovega začetka 3. januarja 2009 do 17. decembra 2017, ko je Bitcoin...
PLAN15 is a concrete implementation plan designed to replicate Bitcoin's journey from its inception on January 3, 2009 to December 17, 2017—when Bitcoin...